• Supply on the rise, but not across all price ranges,Terry Kruse

    Supply on the rise, but not across all price ranges

    As we transition into winter, Calgary's housing market is following typical seasonal trends, with activity slowing compared to the fall. However, year-over-year demand remains relatively strong. In November, increased sales in detached, semi-detached, and row homes offset a decline in apartment con

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  • What to Know Before Making Your First Offer,Terry Kruse

    What to Know Before Making Your First Offer

      When it comes to buying your first home, making an offer that meets all your criteria is a big deal. You are committing to a huge financial investment, and it needs to be taken seriously. While some things may differ from province to province or from city to suburbs, there are some factors that

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  • Behind the Scenes of a Real Estate Transaction,Terry Kruse

    Behind the Scenes of a Real Estate Transaction

      Buying a home is likely the largest financial transaction you’ll make in your entire life. It seems like it should be a personal decision for that reason. However, a decision this big requires many people to make it happen; probably more than you realize if you’re a first-time buyer. Here’s who

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